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$FANG - Buying Double Eagle (rumor)?? (
10 points by wyatt 27 days ago | web | 17 comments

Announcing tomorrow or what? Thought it would have been today

Deals too small for me to even give a fuck about #thepricegoupwhenitsUSD

This is interesting. Tim Pawul thinks the minerals acquisition that VNOM just made is a precursor to FANG buying DE:

bunch of jeffco nerds here

You wouldn’t cut it there on your best day

soyboy beta cuck

only down 0.02% so far

ended the day up 0.53%

People love Diamondback but at what point do people wake up to them overpaying?

what would you consider overpaying for DE

Anything over $5 Bn

My proprietary NAV value sits firmly at $650B


can't overpay for anything as a public. everything is accretive.


Conrad Gibbins has entered the chat

what do we think