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what do we think

only down 0.02% so far

ended the day up 0.53%

People love Diamondback but at what point do people wake up to them overpaying?

what would you consider overpaying for DE

Anything over $5 Bn

My proprietary NAV value sits firmly at $650B


can't overpay for anything as a public. everything is accretive.


Conrad Gibbins has entered the chat

what would you consider overpaying for DE

Anything over $5 Bn

My proprietary NAV value sits firmly at $650B


Anything over $5 Bn


Announcing tomorrow or what? Thought it would have been today


Conrad Gibbins has entered the chat

ended the day up 0.53%

Deals too small for me to even give a fuck about #thepricegoupwhenitsUSD

My proprietary NAV value sits firmly at $650B


bunch of jeffco nerds here

You wouldn’t cut it there on your best day

soyboy beta cuck

can't overpay for anything as a public. everything is accretive.


Conrad Gibbins has entered the chat

This is interesting. Tim Pawul thinks the minerals acquisition that VNOM just made is a precursor to FANG buying DE:

You wouldn’t cut it there on your best day

soyboy beta cuck

I was a huge lefty fan when he was on tour. Now I'm an even huger fan.

"it's just a four iron bro"

"it's just a four iron bro"

Sables stock will pop 8% or drop 8% in a day but they haven’t released any 8Ks or issued any PRs. What news are they trading on? Whichever California regulator they’re battling that day I’m guessing?


Midcon’s for pussies

It takes balls to lose all your money

With Clay Gaspar taking over you never know. He was a MidCon guy so he could be itching to add more. That is if he’s still around in 5 years

It takes balls to lose all your money

odds he flips all this to DVN in 5 years?

With Clay Gaspar taking over you never know. He was a MidCon guy so he could be itching to add more. That is if he’s still around in 5 years

Great episode

I like this a lot

upstream only

I think just upstream for now. Midstream news might add too much clutter. Don’t feel too strongly either way though.

do we let midstream posts pop up? or do we keep it purely upstream? what say ye

Midstream doesn’t move quickly enough… upstream only

upstream >> midstream

Add midstream news

like as a separate website?

like as a separate website?

add all news pertaining to energy. let users filter what is relevant to them or not. better for the website and better for the community.

I like this a lot

I wonder how this affects their ebitda multiple.